martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

Catalogo de aplicaciones webOS: Nuevas 1 - Actualizadas 5 (29-Abr-2011) (#webOS)

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Text 2 Voice

 Text 2 Voice
 Rating: 5 / 5

Aplicaciones en Castellano: 0

    Aplicaciones en otros idiomas : 6

    • Nuevas : 1

      •  UnitedNews Web Edition    web  : A Culmination of the best websites for news about Manchester United. This is the first release of my first app. It currently launches the web browser to the news story, but i plan to develop the app further to show the news story inside the app itsel [...]
    • Actualizadas : 5

    Text 2 Voice

     Text 2 Voice
     Rating: 5 / 5

    Aplicaciones en Castellano: 0

      Aplicaciones en otros idiomas : 6

      • Nuevas : 1

        •  UnitedNews Web Edition    web  : A Culmination of the best websites for news about Manchester United. This is the first release of my first app. It currently launches the web browser to the news story, but i plan to develop the app further to show the news story inside the app itsel [...]
      • Actualizadas : 5

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