martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

Catalogo de aplicaciones webOS: Nuevas 5 - Actualizadas 5 (13-Dic-2010)

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 Rating: 5 / 5

Aplicaciones en Castellano: 2

  • Nuevas: 2

    •  Simply Weight    pago  : With Simply Weight, you can achieve your weight goals... simply.
    •  Jokes for all occasions    pago  : English only... CAUTION -- users of this app have been known to laugh hysterically while looking at their phones! For hilarious jokes that will have you rolling on the floor, look no further! This handy app allows you to enjoy the funniest jokes at your convenience. This collection is hand-picked to brighten your day with some serious laugh therapy.

      Features: 1001 hand-picked funniest jokes for all occasions: Political, Blonde, Bumper Stickers, Marriage, Internet and many others.

Aplicaciones en otros idiomas : 8

  • Nuevas : 3

    •  Vocabulary Reference    pago  : A simple list of more than 2500 words and associated meanings.
      Useful for a quick review on the go.
      Covers words like:
      D Series: Dainty, Dastard, Daunt, Dawdler
    •  Party Calculators    pago  : This App provides some calculators when you are hosting a party.
      This App provides calculators like
      drink calculator - (estimates alcohol servings needed)
      blood alcohol percentage calculator - (estimates percentage of alcohol in blood)
      party countdown calculator - (shows number of days (count down) left for your party)
      pizza calculator - (estimates number of pizzas needed based on people and their appetites)
      tip calculator - (quickly shows you tips for different tip percentages)
    •  Drugscyclopedia    pago  : Drugscyclopedia is a large database with more than 10000 drugs. Just type the first letters to search information about drugs, Drugscyclopedia will display related results in database.
      Browse & Share features :
      * Full Screen Mode
      * Landscape View (with larger font size | easier to read)
      * Cross Fading transtition between articles
      * Instant Swipe Back for a faster browsing experience
      * Save articles to bookmarks
      * Page Top & bottom shortcuts
      * Direct links to Features Content, Current Events, Random Article, …
      * Portal filter search
      Share :
      * Online Bookmarks & Read it later support : Relego, Spare time.
      * Facebook and Facebook beta support
      * Twitter Clients support : Spaz, Twee, Bad kitty, Yak, Tweed, TweetMe
      * Customize Statuses +short URL maker
      * I.M or Email support
      Articles based on wikipedia
  • Actualizadas : 8

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